Seminar: Pipetting: Techniques & Templates

Ramcon hereby invites all users of Biomek pipetting robots to Tips & Tricks seminar.

The theme this time will be Pipetting: Techniques & Templates, and we will go through the following:

  • Tips for pipetting on Biomek
  • Pipetting of different types of liquid
  • Exercises in software, with testing on the Biomek i7 robot.

Participation requires that you have a basic knowledge of techniques and templates, e.g. from Biomek Basic Training.

Date: 29. October 2024
Location: Ramcon, Blokken 76, 3450 Birkerød
Price: 1500 kr.

We start at 9.00 with registration and coffee. Class will start at 9.30.
There will be sandwhiches and drinks for lunch.

Registration below - no later than 24. September 2024.
Remember to state EAN, as well as PO or order no. upon registration.
Limited number of places, which are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

We look forward to seeing you!

Best regards
The Ramcon Application Team
Jérôme, Trine & Rikke

More information

Rikke Agerbo

Application Specialist