Water Baths
Users place high demands on modern water baths in terms of functionality and reliability. Above all, a water bath must be trouble-free and low-maintenance in everyday operations. For this reason, JULABO does not only count on proven functions in the new PURA series of water baths, but particularly also on simple, intuitive operation and high material and component quality. The result is functional and high-quality water baths that facilitate regular temperature applications in the laboratory and, thanks to their durable design, can with stand permanent loads without any problems.
Product Information
The controls on the front side are easy to reach and use.
A frontally integrated drain screw allows clean, safe, and effortless emptying of the baths.
PURA does not incorporate any interfering functional elements. The smooth surfaces can be cleaned quickly and without residue.
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Elizabeth Lavalier
Product Specialist
- Work area: Sales & Application
- Special area: Analysis & Lab Equipment, Automation
- Phone +46 72 401 77 51
- Email: el@ramcon.se
Zuma Mahmood
Product Specialist
- Work area: Sales & Application
- Special area: Analysis & Lab Equipment
- Phone +45 45 94 20 03
- Email: zm@ramcon.dk